Hør Ross Todd holdt foredrag om sikkerhet i digitale miljøer 27. oktober 2020. Les mer nedenfor.
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Ross J. Todd forsker på informasjonssøking og bruk av informasjon, særlig blant unge. Han er opptatt av hvordan unge utvikler sin informasjonskompetanse, og har blant annet jobbet med skolebibliotekets rolle i skolen i dag.
I dette foredraget vil han presentere nyere forskning rundt digital sikkerhet blant unge. Han presenterer selv foredraget sitt på denne måten:
«The information and digital literacy agenda is a central part of library and information science discourse and practice. An emerging discourse and arena of research and development is centering on the concept of digital wellbeing – positioned as the capacity of people to look after their personal health, safety, relationships and work-life balance in digital environments. This presentation will explore conceptions and practices of digital wellbeing of young people in school settings, with particular emphasis on digital safety. It will present research undertaken by the author since 2016 centering on aspects of digital safety. This research suggests that young people’s predominant conception of being unsafe online centers on aspects of access, technical structures, potential for technical harm, and limited acknowledgement of role of self in the safety equation. The presentation will also explore implications for professional practice in designing meaningful safety interventions as well as research opportunities.»
Ross Todd er Associate Professor of Library and Information Science ved Rutgers School of Communication and Information. Han er aktiv i International Association for School Libraries, har vært Chair ved The Department of Library and Information Science, Rutgers, the State University of New Brunswick i flere år, og er leder for CISSL https://cissl.rutgers.edu/. Hele publikajsonslisten hans finnes her: https://comminfo.rutgers.edu/sites/default/files/2018-02/todd-r-01-29-18.pdf
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